

Our services

Construction of process tanks (bioreactor, fermenter and storage tanks)

Construction of medicated water and clean steam systems (PW, WFI, PS)

Designing and manufacturing equipment for the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries

Automation services and precision instruments

Steel equipment manufacturing


Documentation and validation

Conceptual and technical design of food and drug production spaces (clean room, etc.)

Knowledge-based Yasna Arman Zendegi Engineering Company (Mahyaz)

Yasna Arman Zendegi Engineering Company (Mahyaz) is a group specializing in providing services, manufacturing equipment and innovative solutions in the pharmaceutical industry. Mahyaz tries to provide comprehensive services by using experts with experience in the pharmaceutical industry and the support of its colleagues and partners in this field.

The services of this collection include the design and construction of water machines, WFI water injection purification systems, PSG steam generators, bioreactors, fermenters, heat exchangers, condensers, process tanks, filtration systems, process and utility piping, etc. . Our goal is to provide the best services and products with quality and innovation for the activists of this field.

Mahyaz Engineering Company is proud to help you realize your ideas with your cooperation and our experience in this field.

Active customers
Human زapital
Project in progress
Project completed